Engraved Brass

Here at Lucas, we provide a high-quality, precision engraving service to customers on a daily basis. Our customers, both regulars and first-timers, come to us for our expertise, not only as highly-skilled brass engravers but also as specialists in the business. We know your business and can advise you on your projects to find the best and most cost-effective solution for your needs
Our Mechanically Engraved Brass Nameplates are available in 6 sizes to suit a wide range of different applications. You can choose to leave your engraving unpainted, which appears black or infilled with a paint colour of your choice. We offer a range of colours and can meet your requirements for specific brand colours. Lucas Brass Plates are supplied to suit your requirements with either two or four screw holes for screws or rivets, or no holes and self-adhesive backing.
Brass is the traditional material for nameplates due to its cosmetic attractiveness; a bright gold-like decorative alloy with anti-corrosion properties. The yellow-coloured alloy consists of copper and zinc. Brass will not mark when scratched, unlike other metals, yet leaves clean, sharp permanent marks when mechanically engraved. Brass is resistant to atmospheric corrosion and long-time exposure results in a slight darkening of the brass bronze colour. Lucas manufactures top-quality Brass Plates which are polished to a high standard and are easily maintained for longevity.
Here at Lucas we provide a high quality precision engraving service to customers on a daily basis. Our customers, both regular and first timers, come to us for our expertise not only as highly skilled brass engravers but also as specialists in the business. We know your business and can advise you on your projects to find the best and most cost effective solution for your needs.
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